Pranavi Chimirala
I am

Welcome to Pranavi Chimirala's Portfolio

Hello, I'm Pranavi Chimirala, a passionate web developer and cybersecurity enthusiast. I love creating interactive websites and exploring new technologies. With a strong foundation in programming and cybersecurity principles, I aim to build secure and efficient solutions for real-world challenges.

Feel free to explore my projects, learn about my skills, and get in touch for any collaboration or opportunities.

Pranavi Chimirala

About Me

I'm a dedicated and creative web developer with a passion for building visually appealing and user-friendly websites. With a keen eye for design and a love for coding, I enjoy translating ideas into practical and functional solutions.
I hold a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, and my journey in web development started during my college years. Since then, I have honed my skills in front-end and back-end development, allowing me to create seamless and dynamic web applications.
One of my primary focuses is on delivering high-quality and responsive user experiences. I continuously strive to stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in the ever-evolving world of web development.
Apart from coding, I have a strong interest in cybersecurity. Understanding the importance of securing web applications, I have completed various online courses and certifications in cybersecurity to ensure the safety and privacy of the solutions I build.


Programming Languages



Dev C++
Notepad++, IDLE, PyCharm, Jupyter
Sublime, Visual Studio Code


Java Development Kit 19.0.2
Python Software Development Kit 3.11.2

Operating Systems


Frontend Technologies


Backend Technologies

Node JS
Express JS
React JS


My Tour and Travel

Explore amazing destinations and plan your next adventure.

Country Search

Search and explore information about various countries.

Todos Application

Keep track of your tasks and stay organized with this Todo application.

Emoji Game

Guess the correct emoji based on the given meaning in this fun game.

Chat Application

Connect and chat with friends using this real-time chat application.

Ecommerce Application

Shop for your favorite products online with this Ecommerce application.
